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These are techniques which your therapist may use as part of your sports massage. This page gives in depth information on what the techniques involve and when they may, or may not, be suitable.

Swedish Massage


When is this technique useful?

Soft tissue release can be helpful when you experience a restricted range of movement. It can also help your body form healthy scar tissue after an injury,

What will the Sports Massage Therapist do?

1. The therapist will shorten the muscle which is to be treated, or ask you to do this yourself.

2.The therapist will apply some pressure to the affected tissues with their hand or a fist.

3.The joint closest to the area is then moved to create a stretch of the tissues between the therapist's hand and the joint.

How does STR feel?

The sensation of the muscle moving under applied pressure can feel intense. Many people describe this as a 'good' or 'nice' pain.

Are their any risks involved in the use of this technique?

In addition to general massage contraindications this technique should not be used at the beginning of recovery from an injury (acute phase). Due to the application of external pressure it is unsuitable for clients with Osteoporosis.

Exercising Barefoot


When is this technique useful?

This technique is useful where adhesions are present in the muscle or tendons. It can help with the formation of healthy scar tissue and break down excessive scar tissue.

What will the Sports Massage Therapist do?

By the application of fingers or thumbs the therapist will rub the muscle or tendinous tissue at right angles to the direction of the muscle fibres. This will be repeated for short periods and interspersed with other lighter massage techniques.

How do transverse frictions feel?

Transverse frictions may feel quite uncomfortable. The therapist will manage this by repeating the technique for short periods and interspersing with other lighter massage techniques. You will also be asked to feed back on your pain level so that the therapist can keep you comfortable.

Are their any risks involved in the use of this technique?

As well as standard contraindications for massage this technique is not suitable when there is inflammation present. Note: Due to localized pressure this technique will usually produce some bruising. The site may continue to feel uncomfortable for a day or two after treatment.

Back Massage


When is this technique used?


Where the therapist detects a trigger point. This is an area of muscle which is hyperstimulated, often in response to pain, as the muscle compensates for an injury elsewhere. The muscle fibres are held in a shortened state and become painful.

What will the Sports Massage Therapist do?

Prior to carrying out TPT the therapist will assess the problem area with a press test. They will ask you to feed back to them on any pain you experience.

TPs may be treated in one of two ways:

1. The therapist will apply and increase pressure until you report that the pain is 7/10. They will then hold the pressure at a constant level, during this hold you may feel the pressure subside. This process is repeated until the pain level of 7/10 can no longer be reached.

2. A similar process is followed but the pressure is applied in short 5 second 'pulses'. This is repeated until there is a marked reduction in pain or until 2 minutes has elapsed without a change in pain level.

How does TPT feel?

TPT begins by deliberate application of pressure to a problem area and this can be painful. This should be at a level which is not too challenging to cope with. If the technique is applied appropriately this pain should subside.

Are their any risks involved in the use of this technique?

As well as standard contraindications for massage this technique is not suitable when there is inflammation present. Note: Due to localized pressure this technique will usually produce some bruising. The site may continue to feel uncomfortable for a day or two after treatment.

Physical Therapy Session


When is this technique useful?

METs are assisted stretches. They are targeted to areas of limited flexibility. They can help to support recovery from soft tissue injuries.

What will the Sports Massage Therapist do?

There are two techniques which the SMT may employ: Post Isometric Relaxation and Reciprocal Inhibition. The method for both is similar:

Post Isometric Relaxation:

1. The SMT will hold the affected limb and move it until the muscle to be treated begins to contract.

2. The SMT will ask you to contract the muscle for 10 seconds with 20-30% effort whilst they resist the movement.

3. The SMT will ask you to relax the muscle and as you do they will increase the stretch of the muscle.

4. This cycle is repeated two or three times, until a new 'limit' to the range of movement is established. The SMT will hold the limb at this point for 20-30 seconds before returning it to a neutral position.

Reciprocal Inhibition: Rather than asking you to contract the 'problem' muscle itself the SMT will ask you to contract the antagonist (opposite) muscle.

How do METs feel?

These techniques should not be painful. You will simply feel the muscle stretch. It is important to communicate with the SMT any discomfort the stretching may cause so that this can be monitored and managed.

Are their any risks involved in the use of this technique?

As well as standard contraindications for massage this technique is not suitable in the initial recovery phase after an injury. Note: Your feedback to the SMT is really important to avoid overstretching.



When is this technique useful?

CTT may be useful when there are areas of restricted movement in the superficial fascia beneath the skin. This tension can have a 'knock on effect' on the range of movement of muscles and joints. Tight superficial fascia over an area can also make massaging underlying muscles more difficult. For this reason the therapist may use CTT before using deep tissue massage on problem areas.

What will the Sports Massage Therapist do?

1. Using flat hands the therapist will apply a light/medium pressure to push the tissues in different directions.

2. If a restriction of movement is felt the therapist will hold the tissues in place for around 30 seconds until the elasticity improves.

3. Once the superficial fascia has been treated the therapist may use their fingers to gently raise the skin and fascia in the area to access deeper areas of restriction.

What does Connective tissue therapy feel like?

CTT is not a deep tissue or invasive technique and it should feel quite gentle. The first stage of the treatment may feel strange as the skin stretches. When the skin is raised it will be held between the fingers and thumb and you will feel a soft 'pinching' of the tissues.

Are their any risks involved in the use of this technique?

In addition to general massage contraindications care should be taken that there is no sign of inflammation in the area.

Note: this treatment can be very effective in releasing fluid from tissues so it is important to drink plenty of water after treatment.

Techniques: Services
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