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Deep tissue therapy

In Sports Massage Therapy the focus is on conditioning the soft tissues to perform as well as possible. For some clients this will require working on areas of muscle which are tight and uncomfortable, addressing problems of muscle imbalance or releasing adhesions in muscle fascia. For those recovering from injury massage can help with the formation of healthy scar tissue.

For many people problems with muscle tension and imbalance arise from posture, working habits or historic injury and it's important to know that you don't need to do sport to need deep tissue massage. This treatment can benefit anyone with tight, sore muscles. 

If your body works hard for you because you love a sport, do a physical job, or live a busy active life I want to work with you to understand how sports massage therapy can benefit you. For me sports massage therapy is not a 'one size fits all' treatment. Each sport and active pursuit puts unique demands on the body. I begin working with my clients with a half hour consultation prior to treatment. I form a picture of the unique challenges of your lifestyle and work with you to create a treatment program which will help support your body to stay strong and keep performing. 


This treatment is:


Tailor made

In depth

Targeted to problem areas


Informed by you



Sports and Remedial Massage: Services
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